Welcome to my commission page! This is where you can find examples, processes, prices, and other information.
Before you do anything, please make sure you read my
Terms of Service.
ll of the map examples below are available on the site.

The following are the types of maps I can/will do and can't/won't do.


Fantasy Battle map Style

Watercolor Battle map Style

Watercolor Cities Style


Fantasy Regional Style

Parchment World Map Style

Fantasy World Map Style




  • Please fill out the form below and be as detailed as possible.

  • I'll contact you once I receive the form to let you know I have received it.

  • At this point, I will:

      • Discuss the project with you via email or Discord;

      • Let you know if there is any reason I can't or won't complete the commission;

      • Go over the details, expectations, and any questions I might have to start;

      • Discuss the cost and the payment structure, so you'll know all costs ahead of time.

  • I will tell you where you are in the queue and how long the wait time should be.

  • At this point, you DO NOT pay anything as we do not have an agreement, but your spot is earmarked.


  • I will contact you again when I get to your slot. I will:

      • Go over the details we discussed for your commission. This is to refresh me if needed and so you can let me know if anything has changed; and

      • Confirm the price and scope of work.

  • Once everything is settled, I will send you a short contract via email with all the details in writing and invoice you for the first ~40% of the total amount. Work will not begin until that amount has been paid.

  • I will create the understructure/basic layout for the map per the discussed specifications.

  • I will then send you a 1k, watermarked first draft for review.

    • At this point, you can let me know if any changes are needed for no charge. The changes can but anything on the current map (e.g. rooms moving, whole places rotating), but you cannot change styles/map types (e.g. Fantasy Battle Map to Watercolor Battle Map).


  • Once the draft is approved, I will send you an invoice for the remainder. Work will not continue until that amount has been paid.

  • Once paid, I will complete the map for you. I will provide a delivery ETA.

  • Depending on the complexity of the map, there may be more rounds of reviews.

      • For these, if needed, I will then send you a 1k, watermarked draft for review.

  • At this point, you can let me know small changes you want for no charge (e.g. color changes), but no large changes can be made (e.g. building restructures).

  • As a warning, if you ghost at this point (defined as not responding to any messages for 6+ weeks), you will lose your exclusivity. I will complete the map and add it to my catalogue of maps for sale.


  • Once you have confirmed you are happy with the map, no more changes can be made.

  • I will send you the final work, delivered both gridded and gridless in 8k via email. I DO NOT provide the Inkarnate file or a clone of it, only the completed images.

  • Once you have acknowledged receipt, our contract is concluded.

  • Tipping is NOT necessary or expected, but it is appreciated.


I do have several caveats and cautions about my commission process.
Please read my
Terms of Service for more details and information if you have not yet.

I reserve the right to decline any map from anyone for any reason before invoicing. I will let you know that you have been declined and return your brief so you can find another artist.

Give as much detail as you can in the form. I cannot create the map you want without knowing what you are looking for. If you submit a form with brief/vague answers or 'idk whatever,' I will decline you.

Do not message me repeatedly to ask if I received your form. I work on a first-come-first-serve basis based on the timestamps of when the forms arrived. I'll contact you when I get the form.

I do not have waitlists and will not create one. When my slots are filled, I will hide the form. When they reopen, I will announce that the slots are available. I will, however, try and be as fair as possible to those wanting maps.

DO NOT send payment before I invoice you. This will not secure you a spot on the list; I will instead refund the money and drop you from the list.

I WILL NOT start working on any map before the invoice for that map is paid. If you are having issues making payments, please talk to me, and we can discuss and possibly renegotiate, but I will not work on promises.

I do not give discounts on maps, even if you try and order in bulk. Please do not ask. While there are discounts on purchases on occasion, commissions are exempt.

I work on one map/map set at a time, per slot, per person. This means I'll do up to three floors of the same building, but we will discuss it before I accept the commission. Please don't apply for multiple slots.

Do not attempt a bait and switch during the edits. I will work with you to get the map you want, but if you are continually changing the brief and trying to expand the scope, I will stop you and start to charge for edits.

I will send all draft maps at 1k resolution with watermarks. I will not send you any unwatermarked maps until I am paid in full. If you want me to stop working after the first draft is finished, we will renegotiate.

You have to communicate with me. If I send you a question and do not hear back after three weeks, I will send a second message. If you do not respond after six weeks, I will assume you have ghosted and free your slot.

Maps formatted for printing do not come standard with a commission. I deliver commissions digitally, gridded and ungridded, in 8k resolution. If you want the map formatted for printing, there is a surcharge.

I do not work for exposure, advertising space, the amazing opportunity it presents, because I could use the practice, or any other reason. I sell my labor for monetary reimbursement, specifically USD.


Under Review


Closed for Commissions